Alumni Game
I have recieved word that the game is scheduled for people to show up at (12:00) noon with the game hopefully starting after a little warm-up. The Hodags will then have a blue v. black scrimmage following the alumni game. Game to 15. blah, blah, blah.
A BBQ will be taking place with cooking starting at 6pm (still no location, but I'm working on it). Keep in mind this is a great time to write a donation to the Hodags. In addition, Dean can hopefully enlighten us on how we are attempting to get a tax deduction for the donations.
Without knowing who is attending from the alumni side or the weather, the line is currently Hodags -6 v. Alumni.
I have recieved word that the game is scheduled for people to show up at (12:00) noon with the game hopefully starting after a little warm-up. The Hodags will then have a blue v. black scrimmage following the alumni game. Game to 15. blah, blah, blah.
A BBQ will be taking place with cooking starting at 6pm (still no location, but I'm working on it). Keep in mind this is a great time to write a donation to the Hodags. In addition, Dean can hopefully enlighten us on how we are attempting to get a tax deduction for the donations.
Without knowing who is attending from the alumni side or the weather, the line is currently Hodags -6 v. Alumni.
Didn't you set the line at -6 last year before we beat them 15-12?
Anyway, it looks like things are a go to set up the Hodag fund through the school. Some details still need to be worked out, but it looks like rec sports had signed off on it. I'll (hopefully) have more details at the game.
Dean Bolton, at 4:46 PM
Dean don't you have a post you're supposed to write? Also, if I find a cheap ticket I'm in. then the line goes to +8 even if I just stand on the sidelines.
Anonymous, at 4:42 PM
I could not get my permission slip signed in time for this years' game. What is the date for the 2008 game? Maybe I will get my hodag jersey with #67 by then.
Jamin, at 8:39 PM
Any alums with Law connections? Not as in "I did hard time" law, but law-yers? Will Henry has approved trademarking the Hodag logo, but there is a pile of paperwork to do so. Not expensive just annoying.
Project CRYSTAL, at 9:02 AM
My fiance is graduating with a law degree in May. She has a job lined up with performing trademark law.
I could check with her, but would require 1/2 of all proceed, because I am somewhat, okay greatly, responbile for approval of the initial design. What is the timeline for submission?
Jamin, at 11:32 AM
Nice Jamin. No hurry, I just think it's a good idea.
Project CRYSTAL, at 10:22 AM
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