Hodag Love

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Former Hodags,

Remember that spring break when Bruss and Rob nearly set our beach house a blaze with a grease fire? or when Franz got us kicked out of Charleston for peeing on a church? How about when I threw up on Matty D? or Tyson put a shark head in Hector's bed? As much fun as all of those spring break trips were, there was always one thing holding us back from having more fun: Playing Frisbee. Time that could have been invested in extra innings of World Series Quarters or elaborate wiffle ball drafts was instead squandered on the Frisbee field. When we were younger we could afford to waste time like this, but now we're busy, life counseling meth addicts, stalking George Clooney, building jet packs for the military or convincing our fiance not to have a pre-nup. The fun we have now has to be boiled down and condensed to just the grease fires and shark heads. As a result, I present to you, the Ultimate Mancation.

It's been discussed for years (mostly during torrential downpours in 40 degree weather at Fools Fest or first round games in Tempe or Vegas), but now it's actually happening. The Ultimate Mancation is occurring March 22-26 in Miami. Who's going to be there you ask? Well, thanks to a prolonged legal battle likely the corpse of Anna Nicole Smith. Rex Grossman will probably still be wandering around fat and unshaven like Will Ferrell in Anchorman. Shaq. Dean, Tyler, Dise and me. I know what you're thinking, "Tyler's going to be there? Sick! How do I get in on this?" It's easy, just come to Miami that weekend. Dean is looking into rooms and we can get more depending on how big the group is, just let us know you're coming. Now you're thinking "Hey Florida is nice and warm I wonder if my girlfriend/wife would like to go?" Let me save you the time, No, she doesn't want to come. Now you're thinking, "I can't go, it will be expensive and I'd have to get off work, I'll just go next year". Wrong. This is going to be an event that you have to attend every year. You have to attend every year because 1) Something ridiculous is going to happen every year that you're going to want to see in person 2) There is always going to be the outside chance that someone is going to die or get incarcerated for a very long time as a result of this weekend. Do you really want to miss what could be your last opportunity to see Opie or Hector?

Right now all of us are flying in Thursday night and leaving Monday morning. Shaq lives there.




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